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"Everyone Needs Support" Baking Project

Dear Temple Emanuel Family,

For the first time in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts, we will be baking in support of the national organization, Sharsheret. Sharsheret, Hebrew for chain, is a national cancer organization which services 150,000 women, families, health care professionals, community leaders and students, in all 50 states. Sharsheret creates a safe community for women facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer and their families at every stage of cancer - from before diagnosis, during treatment, and into the survivorship years. While their expertise is focused on young women and Jewish families, more than 25% of those they serve are not Jewish. All Sharsheret programs serve all women and men.

We will be baking at Temple Emanuel on November 14th and 15th, 2023. Distribution of our baked goods will take place on November 19th.

This year, Sharsheret will donate 10% of net proceeds from the baked goods sold to the following Israeli organizations serving families affected by cancer and by war-related trauma.

  1. Israel Lemonade Fund which provides emergency financial aid for non-medical expenses for women with breast cancer.
  2. Haverut which conducts mental health support groups for women, including those who are at risk and living with cancer.


Here's what you can do to help make this a success!

  1. Come help bake 50 dozen chocolate chip cookies! Temple Emanuel Kitchen November 14th and November 15th starting at 4:00 pm.
  2. Not a baker, but want to help: come to the Temple Kitchen and help stuff 1/2 dozen cookies in the special, handmade tote bags made just for our "Everyone Needs Support" project.
  3. November 19th 9:00 to 12:00 at Temple Emanuel. Come hand out pre-paid tote bags and cookies at this pickup time and date.
  4. Order Cookies and tote bags. Each special, handmade tote bag comes with½ dozen homemade delicious, good-sized chocolate chip cookies. Price: $18.00 per bag with cookies. Order deadline is November 10th.
  5. There is a limited supply of these special bags and treats so order now and often.
  6. To order the tote bags and cookies Go to
  7. Questions about the project or to RSVP to help: Judie Tenenbaum at 401 225-9733, or


Our "Everyone Needs Support" project is part of the National Pies for Prevention Thanksgiving Bake Sale now in its 15th year. Our bake sale is lovingly dedicated to two special ladies who lost their battle with ovarian cancer: Hannah Pearlman's mother, Ellen White, and my son, Joel Tenenbaum's godmother, Barbara Tutschka.

With Gratitude for all of your help and support.

Judie Tenenbaum

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785