Make a Difference in Israel, TODAY!
Vote in the 2025 World Zionist Congress Elections
Now’s our chance. Voting for the 2025 World Zionist Congress is now open! Head to, register, enter your pin and then scroll down and select MERCAZ USA (Slate 17).
Your vote matters. In the last World Zionist Congress, MERCAZ USA’s 18 seats made a meaningful impact — but we know we can do even more if we elect a larger delegation. With your vote, we can amplify the voice of the Conservative/Masorti movement and ensure it resonates louder than ever.
You’ve heard this call before, but now it’s time to take action: This election isn’t just about numbers; it’s about shaping the future. The delegates we elect will influence how over a billion dollars in annual resources are allocated —funding vital programs like:
- Bringing Israeli shlichim (emissaries) to Ramah camps
- Supporting sisterhood and men's club initiatives
- And much more that strengthens our community
We also need to stand strong against extreme voices seeking to redefine Judaism in ways that don’t reflect our values. Your vote helps ensure our inclusive vision is represented.
Vote MERCAZ USA (Slate 17) March 10 - May 4, 2025 at And don’t stop there — encourage your friends and family to vote, and join the conversation on social media (@MercazUSA on all platforms).
Together, we can shape a more vibrant future. VOTE NOW!
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What is MERCAZ?
MERCAZ is the political party representing the global Conservative/ Masorti movement and its values at World Zionist Congress. A vote for MERCAZ USA in elections to the World Zionist Congress every five years not only helps us secure millions from these institutions to promote pluralism and strengthen Masorti Judaism in Israel. It not only helps us secure millions that our own synagogues, Ramah camps, USY programs, Men’s Clubs, Sisterhoods, and more rely on here at home.
It’s critical that we don’t let extremist voices limit the voice of the Conservative movement, including our work on pluralism, environmental and climate initiatives at the WZO.
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Join the effort at Temple Emanu-El by filling out the form below.