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Soulful Shabbaton - Finding Our Way into Connection

Friday, May 3, 2024 25 Nisan 5784

All Day for 2 Days

May 3-4, 2024
Featuring Teacher in Residence 
Kohenet Keshira haLev Fife

Schedule of Events 

Friday, May 3 Temple Emanu-El

6:00 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat (welcoming the Sabbath) Service in the Bohnen Vestry 
Join us for an evening of song and prayer intended to invite reflection and connection as we welcome Shabbat. All are welcome, Soulful Shabbat has planned this event for the entire Emanu-El community. 

7:30 PM - Shabbat Dinner – reservation required – in the Meeting House Foyer
$12/person or $25 for family of 3 or more. (RSVPs are now closed)


Saturday, May 4 at Temple Emanu-El 

9:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Services in the Bohnen Vestry
On Shabbat morning, we’ll gather with the intention of drawing deeper connection - with ourselves, with each other, and with the Divine. Shabbat morning will include chanting, gentle movement, song, prayer, meditative moments, a Torah service, and more!

12:00 PM - Communal Kiddush Lunch in the Meeting House

12:45 PM - Learning Session with Keshira haLev Fife in the Bohnen Vestry
Rest as a Sacred Practice
While Torah prescribes/describes rest through 39 melachot, or categories of work, from which we are to abstain on Shabbat, there are good reasons to consider what constitutes rest in this time. This session will explore rest in the four worlds of Kabbalah and will include teaching, discussion, and perhaps even an opportunity for active rest!


Saturday, May 4 at the home of Judy Kaye and Bruce Phillips in Providence

6:00 PM - Learning Session with Keshira haLev Fife 
Bitachon: Building Trust to Strengthen Connection
In times of uncertainty, it can be hard to “trust the process” and, yet, doing so can lead us into stronger connection. In this session, we’ll explore our own relationships to trust, and how we can build trust with ourselves and with one another, as a pathway to deeper trust in the Ever Unfolding Presence.

7:30 PM - Nosh

8:00 PM - Singing, Storytelling & Havdalah with Kohenet Keshira and Rabbi Lex Rofeberg

Teacher in Residence

Keshira haLev Fife is a Kohenet who weaves and supports community in many realms including Kesher Pittsburgh, Beloved Garden, the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, and the Jewish Learning Collaborative. She is also a prayer leader, a ritual creatrix, teacher, facilitator, and songstress. Her work in these realms is informed by her lived experience as a queer, bi-racial, Jewish person, her belief that Book, Body and Earth are equal sources of wisdom and her deep commitment to a thriving, liberatory Jewish future.

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